Saturday, August 13, 2011

Twitter Writetip and EditTip #4

This is my 4th collection of my Twitter writing and editing tips. Spaces are limited, so some are very short and blunt. And stabby… Just know that it comes from a good place (my wanting to help you and spread the good message). 

And you can't put a bunch of phrases together & call it a sentence. It's crazy. Subject-verb relation has to be there. #writetip #amediting
When two independent clauses are joined by a coordinating conjunction, use a comma to separate them. RUN ON SENTENCE HELL. #writetip #stabby
VOICE is EVERYTHING. Reading YA should make me feel like a 14 y/o girl. It should suck me into the world of shallow teen angst. #writetip
Hate to repeat my self but use ###,***,@@@ or anything for a scene break in your MS. Double double spacing is LUNACY! #writetip
Sanity returns. VOICE. Your MC must be proactive, not reactive. Give your MC a personality. They're not drones. SHOW ME THE VOICE. #writetip
Writers like to play with different POV, POV shifts, POV Type shifts. That's just it. You're playing. Keep that out of your books. #writetip
Writers. There's a limit to how much slangs and trendy terms you should use. Think long term. They might not make sense in 5 yrs. #writetip
Um....hello. How many times did I say to stop using LOL, ROFL, SRSLY in a book? Let alone in a dialogue? DELETE! #writetip
Vocabulary. You don't need a dictionary to read Hemingway. Sometimes, the simplest words can convey the most complex message. #writetip
Sometimes, the issue isn't the writing or the plot. It's the POV. Writers must learn about each POV types and use them correctly. #writetip
I appreciate writer's creativity to come up with maps & funky names in books. But taking notes just to remember who & where sucks. #writetip
Do not use UNDERLINE in the MS. Quote or italicize to emphasize or express words or thoughts. And certainly don't italicize the entire MS.O_@
Yes. There are many many many adverbs and adjectives. But you don't have to use them. Like all the time. In the same sentence. #writetip
Can one hiss angrily as he grimaced furiously, frowning causing his eyes to squint violently? Dunno. I'm no genius. Duh.
No need for fuc* sh** co** bit** Spell them out. That's what makes Adult Novels. Adult language. This isn't Disney books. Hello. #writetip
Readers get lost in Fantasy because the world in it is relatable and believable. Remember writers. Fantasy does not mean crazy. #writetip
Part 2. Soooo, leave some of your crazies out of your book. Even in fantasy, that is like **&*%%#@ crazy. Hello.

Thanks for visiting my blog. Click here  if you want to know about my professional editing services. Happy writing~


  1. At the risk of invoking your wrath (teasing), this was LMAO funny. Oh, yeah, it was also spot on. Nice job!

  2. You're my fav. Just saying. LOVE THIS.

  3. Your writetips always make me laugh

    Your Stabby Queen #stabbylove

  4. These are all very useful tidbits. Perhaps you should collect a whole mess of them and sell them as an ebook. "500 things you learned from twitter about writing that have nothing to do with funny cat videos."
